Thursday, April 30, 2009

Liturgical Vestments for the Traditional Latin Mass

We are blessed in Austin to be offered the Traditional Latin Mass each Sunday at our beautiful cathedral. Paul & I enjoy the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite for its beauty and solemnity.
The exquisite
vestments (liturgical garments) used in Roman Catholic masses have always interested me. More importantly, I am intrigued by each pieces significance and symbolic connection to the passion and resurrection of Christ as told in the Bible. Our faith journey introduced us to a wonderful friend in Austin who then introduced me to a delightful seamstress in Ohio who has compiled a wealth of information on vestments from various historical texts. Ms. Judy Fradl of St. Benet’s Guild very kindly mailed me 2 CDs full of information. My dear husband had all the documents printed and bound for me.
In 2007, we were fortunate enough to make another trip to Europe. Our friends, Vince & Silvia helped me get my hands on some fantastic damask fabric and galloons. On our return, I meticulously began sewing a complete set of violet colored vestments for
Father Robert Bradley, S.J.
Father Bradley is the epitome of a traditional priest. He’s a teacher, a servant of the Lord, a sheppard to his flock. Thank You Father Bradley!

1 comment:

jasoncpetty said...

Wow! My wife and just moved to Austin and attend the Extraordinary Form at the Cathedral. I can't wait for Advent to see those beautiful vestments brought out!